Given the fact that Telegram is one of the most popular instant messaging applications in the world right now, many of us have no clue what it is. Some of us have heard the name before but haven’t tried it yet, right? The heightened encryption and security of this cross-platform texting service are well-known. iOS, Android, Windows, and even Mac are all supported by the application.
You may also use your web browser to view it if you like. The year is 2022, and the app is swiftly racing to the pinnacle of the download rankings. Today, this application is extremely widespread, but the aspect that pops out the most is that Telegram can send file attachments up to 2 GB in size without compromising quality, which is pretty spectacular.
Their fascinating features and enhanced security make this application lucrative, and it is why it continues to expand to new users on a frequent basis. This instant messaging platform is capable of retrieving messages swiftly and effectively. This option allows you to send many messages on a particular day. We may include photos, documents, and audio or video clips in our conversations, making it a really natural messaging service.
You also don’t have to spend for their outstanding services, and you won’t be bothered by advertisements. But, with all of these best parts and the app being regarded to be privacy-friendly, there would be some scams and fake individuals crawling around, right? And, if you occur to run into someone like that, you might want to check out their IP addresses and see where they are currently or block them right away.
Thus, in order to protect your account as well as yourself from these concerns, we will show you how to locate someone’s IP address using Telegram in this blog. Continue reading to learn more about it.
How to Find Someone’s IP Address from Telegram
We highlighted in the past segment that Telegram would, in any way, never leaks the IP address of anyone who uses the app. While this is a fine idea, there are instances when we need to know someone’s IP address for unavoidable reasons.
Perhaps you’ve detected someone as suspicious and dishonest, or you just need to get somebody off your back since they won’t stop bugging you on the app. The reasons are diverse, but what should you do if the app refuses to provide you access to that person’s IP address?
As initially said, there are methods that you may use to find out on your own. So, indeed, there are ways to find out, and mind you, they are not that difficult to follow as well. And that’s what we’ll talk about in the following parts.
Command prompt
This section will explain what a command prompt is and how it will be used to find someone’s IP address in Telegram. Despite the fact that the command prompt, often abbreviated as the cmd prompt, has been a part of the Windows operating system for years, it is widely ignored by some users.
You’re well aware that there are a lot of things you could perform here. To begin, think of the command prompt as a text-based interface. We say this for a reason. In other words, you get to transmit textual commands and forward commands from us to the operating system instead of doing it all visually.
It comes with a powerful panel that allows you to actively command your operating system. Users like me and you may communicate with the operating systems through this interface. If you didn’t know, there are a lot of individuals that use this method to connect with their computer’s operating system.
IT pros and savvy computer users are conversant with the command prompt and most of its functions. We hope that the information we provided cleared up any questions you had concerning the command prompt. Now, how does their whole notion relate to the issue of the topic?
When it comes to locating someone’s IP address through Telegram, command prompts are a godsend. If you’re inexperienced with the issue, let’s start by demonstrating how we’ll be able to accomplish this feat. We have a precondition that you should fulfill before we move into the procedures to bring command prompt out to aid us.
All programs that are running in the background must be closed. This step allows you to quickly identify the Telegram IP address you’re looking for. Now, assuming you’ve read this thus far, let’s get started on the actions you’ll need to take in order for this strategy to work.
Step 1: Head over to Telegram on your computer and open the chat with the person whose IP address you need.
Step 2: If the person is active, start a conversation, or even better, give them a call by tapping on the phone dial in the upper right corner of their chat screen right beside their contact name.
Step 3: Now, in your computer, enter the combination of Windows + R to get the run box and input cmd if it is not present there by default. Click on OK to proceed further. Right beside your username, type netstat –an.
Step 4: When the command is executed, you will see the IP address of the person in question from Telegram.